Marissa Castello- Administrative Support/Secretary

Marissa Castello is an Administrative Assistant at Benton Lynn Law, P.A. Firm in Dover, DE. She’s also the founder and CEO of ConfidenceNUrShine Outreach Ministry and founder and CEO of MCassociates, a virtual administrative assistant business.
Marissa is a mother of three daughters and a grandmother of two grandsons. Marissa has been advocating for her daughter, and others, since the inception of her daughter's IEP in 3rd grade. Marissa became an advocate after experiencing firsthand how the school systems were handling her child’s learning disabilities and became passionate for speaking up for those who were unable to articulate for themselves. She lives by these core principles of life…” always stand on the truth”, “say what you mean and mean what you say”, “if you say you’re going to do something do it”, “everyone’s time is valuable, so be on time”, “most of all treat people how you want to be treated with dignity, respect and love”. Marissa is honored and excited, as this is a blessing to be able to serve on the board and be a part of WS4S. She looks forward to the bright future within the organization.